<aside> 💡 The key links are the website https://silver.dev/companies and Gabriel’s calendar https://calendly.com/silver-dev/companies


👉 Be Real

In any way you talk about Silver.dev we strongly encourage authenticity above everything else. You don’t need to oversell or overpromise in any way - our website and our service will speak for themselves and you can honestly and directly talk to your contacts or companies. Our agreements are not secret - you can (and are encouraged!) disclose any business/referral relationship with us.

We prepared some materials below that you can use as templates - your recommendation should go according to your confidence and knowledge about us, and we will take it from there.

💬 Example Blurbs

❓ Common Questions

📚 References

👑 Leads

<aside> 💡 The information on this page is for trusted partners only. Do not share this page with unrelated partners of Silver.dev


We are leaning towards YC companies. Gabriel Benmergui is an ex-employee and angel investor in several of them. Silver.dev has 9+ YC companies in the portfolio as well. References available for YC founders on Bookface.

Consult the general guidelines at